Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Platform Exclusives = Platform Identity!

For a while, there has been a lot of talk about certain games going to
other platforms that were previously exclusive, and that gamers are
demanding First Party exclusives from another platform to be on the
one of their preference as well. What they don't understand is why
this shouldn't be possible, and it has a LOT to do with two things:
History and Nature.

In business, one strives to make the best product possible, not just
to bring out the best in one's self (read: steel tempering one's
hubris), but to out-perform the competition (read: eternal conflict).
It's always been competition that's brought out the most in people
(read: best AND worst).

If a gaming company didn't put out a title that was exclusive to it's
platform, then why buy the platform? Simple as that.

Nothing more I have to say, it's all laid out JUST LIKE THAT. Now...

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