Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dice, You're Next!

After the debacle that was Crytek's claims about the PS3 version of Crysis 2 being superior blowing up in everyone's faces, it has made me think: Why must Third Parties lie about knowing how to handle the PS3? It's always the same rhetoric, about using the PS3 to the max, and in the end, doesn't even look good as Uncharted 1 from 2007.

BF3's Dice is the next developer with such claims as using 4D (Defferred) Rendering and Shading on all the SPE's along with Morphological Anti Aliasing (MLAA) on, basically going the Guerrilla Games/Killzone Route, but can THEY, a Third Party bring that same quality to a PS3 version of a Multi-plat?

Obviously, the PC version is the superior version, but the comparison will be the console versions, and more specifically, the PS3 version. It's about time PS3 owners stop taking in empty promises and start demanding results. It's now up to Dice to stop spraying it, and start bringing it, and that goes for ALL Third Parties in the future.

We're watching you Dice, like a hawk.

1 comment:

  1. lets just hope they know what their getting into with this. BC2 was good but you never know for sure right?
